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$149  $99
Our lowest price ever!    $149  $99 
Save $50 with code INITO99
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$149  $99

A company that simplifies self-care with the most advanced hormone trackers

About Inito

Inito is on a mission to simplify healthcare and wellness by equipping every household with the most advanced health trackers. Our devices are powered with the most advanced and intuitive biomarkers that guides you at every step of your health journey. After 6 years of R&D, a dozen patents and numerous medical publications, we finally launched our first product- the Inito Fertility Monitor. A small, neatly packed device that tells you everything you need to know about your fertility hormones, right at your fingertips.  With over 20,000 users, the world’s largest dataset of fertility hormones and thousands of confirmed pregnancies, we are just getting started.
Our goal is to equip consumers with accurate information about their bodies and enable them to making informed decisions without depending on a healthcare system.

Core Values —

We are obsessed with creating products that effortlessly blend into your daily routine, yet empower you to make informed choices about the thing that matters the most- your health.

Driven to deliver the very best

We push the limits of technology and invest in extensive R&D to create lab-grade products of unparalleled quality. Whether it’s inventing a new measurement technology or analyzing 1 million+ hormone data points for building our algorithms, we leave no stone unturned in our quest for excellence.

Empowering users to advocate for themselves

We understand that knowledge is the key to unlocking holistic well-being. To help our users make the most of our self-care devices, we educate them about the science behind Inito products and keep them updated about the latest medical advancements through blogs and our social media platforms.

No tall claims.
No frills.
No false promises.

We say stuff as is. Whether it's to our users, team members or investors. To keep us grounded, we actively solicit user feedback and incorporate it into our product development. We welcome open communication through all support channels and our community.


Your faith in our products drives us to deliver above and beyond every single day. This is why we put you and everyone at Inito, at the heart of everything we do. So while we constantly upgrade our products and bring lab-grade devices to your home, we are focused on building a team that prioritizes wellness, growth and work-life balance.

Our Clinical Advisors —

Dr. Bradford Bopp, MD

Dr. Robert Colver, MD

Dr. Schehrezade Khan, MD

Dr. Prem Pillay, MBBS, FRCS, FAMS FACS (USA)

Dr. Sailaja M. Blackmon, MD

Dr. Abhi Shahi, MD